Hsu, J. Y. (許志義);T. Y. Chen, 2005, 'Mitigation CO2 Emissions by Adjusting the Power Generation Mix in Taiwan, ' International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol.23, No.4, pp.360-373.
Hsu, J. Y.(許志義);F. Y. Cho, 2000, 'Integrated Planning for Mitigating CO2 Emissions in Taiwan: A Multi-objective Programming Approach, ' Energy Policy, Vol.28, No.8, pp.519-523.(SSCI)
Hsu, J. Y. (許志義);H. M. Hsu, 2000, 'Impact of Mitigating CO2 Emission on Taiwan: A Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming Approach, ' Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol.3, pp.335-345.
許志義, 1992, 'A Critical Review and Update of the Economics of MPOP, ' Proceedings:A Further Look at the Multi-Product OTEC Project(MPOP)and Its Broader Implications with Particular Reference to Taiwan,R.O.C..
許志義, 1992, 'A Multiobjective Algorithm Integrates of Compromise Programming and NISE Method, ' Priceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making.
許志義, 1992, 'Application of Multiobjective Compromise Programming for the Optimal Sturcture of Taipower''s Coal Purchasing, ' Proceedings of the Tenth International Comference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making.
許志義, 1992, 'A New Algorithm for Solving Multiobjective Linear Fractional Programming: The CONNISE Method, ' Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making.
許志義, 1992, 'Asymmetric Information in the Electric Utility Regulational, ' International Association for Energy Economics,Proceedings.
許志義, '台灣東部海洋溫差多目標利用之經濟分析, ' 海洋溫差多目標利用研討會.
許志義, '台灣電力代輸之經濟分析, ' 中華民國能源經濟研討會.
許志義, '溫室效應下台灣電力產業應有之對策, ' 環境保護與產業政策研討會.
許志義, '談電力短缺問題與對策, ' 八十三年能源經濟學會年會大會專題引言報告.
許志義, '台灣能源政策之回顧與展望, ' 1995海峽兩岸能源研討會.
許志義, '國際氣候變化公約與臺灣能源產業政策, ' 全球氣候變遷的衝擊-制度與人文面向研討會.
許志義, 'The Restructuring of the Electric Power Industry in Taiwan, ' the 19th IAEE Conference.
許志義, '課徵碳稅對台灣經濟影響之分析, ' 八十四年能源經濟學會年會.
許志義, 'Energy Policy and Analysis of Its Impact in Taiwan, ' The Second International Conference on R.O.C.and Spanish Economy and Trade:A Comparison of the Economic Development Policies of R.O.C.and Spain.
許志義, 'Electric Power Industry Reform in Taiwan:Issues and Perspectives, ' The East Asian Electricity Resturcturing Forum(EAERF).
許志義, 'The Restucturing of the Electric Power Industry in Taiwan, ' the 19th International Conference of the International Association for Economics.
許志義, 'Electricity Policy in Taiwan:From Regulation to Deregulation, ' International Conference on Conversion and Technological Cooperation.