Ming-Fu Shaw;Juin-jen Chang;Ching-chong Lai*, 2024.03, 'R&D finance and economic growth: a Schumpeterian model with endogenous financial structures, ' Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol.28, No.2, pp.345-379.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Ming-fu Shaw;Juin-jen Chang*;Chih-ping Fan, 2019.07, 'Endogenous Debt-Equity Ratio and Balance-Sheet Channel: Implications for Growth and Welfare, ' Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol.71, No.3, pp.219-239.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Ming-fu Shaw;Juin-jen Chang;Hung-Ju Chen*, 2013.06, 'Capital Adequacy and the Bank Lending Channel: Macroeconomic Implications, ' Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol.36, No.0, pp.121-137.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Ming-fu Shaw;Ching-chong Lai*, 2013.01, 'Financial Deepening and Monetary Growth with Endogenous Liquidity Constraints, ' Journal of Economics and Management, Vol.9, No.1, pp.1-12.(EconLit)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Shu-hua Chen;Ming-fu Shaw;Ching-chong Lai*;Juin-jen Chang, 2008.02, 'Interest Rate Rules and Transitional Dynamics in an Endogenously Growing Open Economy, ' Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol.27, No.1, pp.54-75.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Juin-jen Chang*;Ming-fu Shaw;Ching-chong Lai, 2007.02, 'A “Managerial” Trade Union and Economic Growth, ' European Economic Review, Vol.51, No.2, pp.365-384.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Ming-Fu Shaw;Juin-Jen Chang*;Ching-Chong Lai, 2006.03, '(Non)Optimality of the Friedman Rule and Optimal Taxation in a Growing Economy, ' Economics Letters, Vol.90, No.3, pp.412-420.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Ming-Fu Shaw;Ching-Chong Lai*;Wen-Ya Chang, 2005.09, 'Anticipated Policy and Endogenous Growth in a Small Open Monetary Economy, ' Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol.24, No.5, pp.719-743.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
蕭明福;Juin-jen Chang;Ching-chong Lai*, 2020.12, 'Policy effects on R&D finance and economic growth: a Schumpeterian model with endogenous financial structures, ' 台灣經濟學會2020年年會, 台灣經濟學會.(*為通訊作者)