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Home / Main Operation / Admission / Bachelor
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Date 2013-03-12

Application through recommendation

1.      Requirement:

A.    Graduating or already graduated students from public or private (licensed by the government) high schools.

B.     Candidates with equivalent levels of education.

C.     Students participating through the application are recommended by their respective schools or personal application.

2.      Written Examination (50%): Subject Test.

3.      Oral examination (40%) and documentation review (10%).

♦   Examination

1.      Requirement:

A.    Graduating or already graduated students from public or private (registered) high schools.

B.     Candidates with equivalent levels of education.

2.      Written Examination: Reach the average standards for each of the sections on the Subject Test. Required subjects include Chinese, English, and Mathematics II. With emphasis on English and Mathematics II, scores from these two subjects will be multiplied by 1.5.

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